May Highlights
The Words of Jesus (Summer Sermon Series)
A Word from Pastor Henry
Our Lord and Savior remain hands-down the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) of all teachers. His words have literally shaped and changed the course of human history. And why not? After all, Jesus’ words are the words of God.
There are many theories about being a Christian, but our rabbi has shown us how we are supposed to show up in the world as his followers. To really understand what it means to follow Christ, we will spend several weeks over the summer looking at the words in red, (aka: the words of Jesus). I invite you to lean in, and let’s go deeper into learning and living the way of Jesus.
All Hands on Deck!
May highlights include MANY hands and hearts stepping forward to serve: all-church work day, gym light replacement and curtain maintenance, and the Timeless Treasure lunch and movie premiere. We are grateful for so many invested Calvary servants!
Join us in strengthening relationships as we print a simple Calvary photo directory. So far, we have nearly 60 submissions.
DON’T MISS OUT! Remember to upload your preferred photo using this form.
Special thanks to Brandon Gustafson for snapping onsite/informal directory photos last week.
Find Your Place! There are many great ways to connect at Calvary this summer. Sunday growth groups include the Purple Book, Lewis & Donuts, and Sermon Recap. The Community Garden is back (Tuesdays), Men’s Advance and Women’s Coffee are continuing (Fridays), and several new midweek groups are starting. Grow in Christ with other believers — find a full list of small groups HERE.
We are engaged in an epic battle for the hearts and minds of our young people. Every day, kids are bombarded with lies about who they are, who their Creator is, and where their salvation comes from. Thankfully, God has given his children armor to wear in the battle between truth and lies, light and darkness, good and evil.
Friends welcome! Download a registration form HERE. Contact with questions.
Want to learn (or share) gardening skills, invite people to church, or build relationships in our neighborhood? Calvary Community garden friends meet at our garden (behind the church) at 5:30 PM every summer Tuesday, weather permitting. Let's get planting soon! Beginners and experienced gardeners welcome -- this team is open to all. Details here.
Share in the partnership, share in the produce!