Philippians 4:8 Fast

As we approach 2023, we can rejoice in how the Lord has brought us faithfully through another year. He carried us through another year of global upheaval, loss of loved ones, leaving a denomination, polarizing issues, and we are still standing together thanks to God's faithfulness. His Word has and never will return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). He who overcame, will overcome. 

Jesus Christ is our hope and reason we can have faith for a great upcoming year no matter what we face. Our faith is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ, our righteousness. He who has begun a good work in us will see it through to completion (Philippians 1:6).

Why fast?

  1. Fasting breaks strongholds

  2. Fasting provides clarity to identify what is really important

  3. Fasting allows God to have your back (His strength is made perfect in weakness — 2 Cor. 12:9)

  4. Fasting gets you in tune with God

  5. Fasting brings you closer to God, and God closer to you

As we fast, we are calling the congregation to remove unhealthy sugars, to eliminate ungodly movies/music/etc, and to limit time on social media to essential communication only. We’re also challenging each person to pray about a greater commitment to spiritual disciplines, as detailed here. It is easy to make a spiritual exercise like this into about the rules. We ask that you honor the spirit, as well as the “law” of this fast and lean into growing spiritually and closer to Jesus during this biblical practice. If a person is looking for the loopholes, a heart check with God may be required (only you and the Lord would know). If you choose not to participate, we ask as a minimum that you would honor and encourage, and not hinder, those who are striving to follow the fast

To our incredible Calvary family, we are looking forward to moving into a deeper relationship with our Lord. Thank you for remaining faithful as God has remained faithful to us!  

Soli Deo Gloria! 

Pastor Henry 

DISCLAIMER: Please consult your medical provider before participating in this fast. Please direct all your medical/dietary questions or concerns to your medical/health professional. Pastor Henry Jenkins is not a licensed medical, nutrition, or health professional. Also, nutritional suggestions are not medical advice. We offer fasting guidance for religious/spiritual practice only.


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