Calvary Family, We need your help to serve our local community! Join the Outreach Team all of November and December to pray for, serve, and fill a shopping bag(s) for the local Emergency Food Pantry (EFP).
Did you know by making a one-time donation of $28, you can help feed a family for one week? If you don't have time to shop, give online using the church app or by clicking HERE!
Sign-up online to serve the week of December 1st (24 people needed for 8 shifts, serving in groups of 2 for morning and groups of 4 for early afternoon).
Thank you for partnering with the Outreach Team to help serve the local FM area by being the hands and feet of Jesus. He/Jesus, came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).
Please return your donations to Calvary by Sunday, December 29th. Drop items off at the bin/table located on the mission wall/map.
For more information on the Emergency Food Pantry, visit their website.
Questions? Contact Kathy Spriggs or Kathy Mitchell.